A new year. A new word.
What’s your One Little Word for 2014?
Last year, my word was Beginnings.
2013 was certainly a year for beginnings!
New to parenthood, new job… it seemed like every time I turned around there were changes to accept and embrace.
I did accomplish some of the goals I outlined in my 2013 post.
I wrote more. I am even wrapping up writing my first major contribution to a book, a chapter on social media for professional learning.
I taught my first graduate course, technology for educational leaders and I taught my first eCourse, Educational Leadership in the Digital Age for PLP. (I’m facilitating the course again this January! Join me!)
I got my crafty on. I discovered Project Life and I’m stoked to begin this week, to capture 2014 family memories weekly and preserve them creatively and colorfully for my family to enjoy.
Who knows what 2014 will bring? I have ideas. I have goals in mind, but nothing set in stone. I may let 2014 take me where it wants to take me.
A lot can happen in a year.
I have one little man whose first year of life was nothing short of miraculous and beautiful and awe-inspiring and hilarious and messy and exhausting and brilliant. He is my everything. I’m so looking forward to more of our adventures together.
My word for 2014 is Embrace.
Embrace life’s challenges. Embrace one another. Embrace the beauty in what, at first glance, appears chaotic and disorganized and lazy. Embrace opportunities.
Embrace life.